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MAKE A $100K

How I Made My First $100K as a Home Inspector

Hi there! My name is Gerardo Angeles, and I’m a home inspector in Oklahoma. Today, I want to share my story of how I made my first $100,000. It wasn’t easy, but by following a few key steps, I was able to reach this milestone. If you’re a real estate agent or someone interested in business, this post is for you!

1. Know Your Why

Before I started my business, I had to ask myself, “Why do I want to do this?” Knowing your why is super important. It’s like the fuel that keeps you going, even when things get tough. For me, my why was wanting to help people find their dream homes. I wanted to make sure every house I inspected was safe and sound for the families who would live there. What’s your why? Knowing it will help you stay focused and motivated.

2. Invest in Your Education

When I first started, I knew I had to be the best at what I do. That meant investing time and money into learning everything about home inspections. I took classes, read books, and even hired a mentor. This helped me become an expert in my field. The more you know, the better you can serve your clients. So, don’t be afraid to spend on your education—it’s an investment that pays off.

3. Focus on One Thing at a Time

One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to do too many things at once. I call this “shiny object syndrome.” When I was starting out, I had a lot of ideas. But I knew I had to focus on one thing: being the best home inspector. I didn’t jump into other business ventures until I was successful in this one. By staying focused, I was able to grow my business and make my first $100K.

Final Thoughts

Making $100K didn’t happen overnight. It took hard work, focus, and a clear understanding of why I was doing it. If you’re a real estate agent or thinking about starting your own business, remember these tips. Know your why, invest in your education, and focus on one thing at a time.

Thanks for reading! I hope my story inspires you to reach your own goals. If you ever need a reliable home inspector, feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to help!

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